Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Happy Wednesday Y'all

Happy hump day! So, as you know I had surgery on Monday and it went well. The doctor was able to fix everything with 1 surgery verses 2 {praise the ULTIMATE HEALER}

I had a numbing block so I have been feeling pretty good until Tuesday evening, now the grumpy momma bear is coming out:/ Hopefully my pain meds can keep the pain down some!

Thank you all for your prayers, I as that you can continue to pray them. Just thought would check in between naps:)

And, to leave you with a picture of my leg, here ya go..I will be in this for 10 days and then moved to a cast.

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

home tour pt. 1

hello, all!

With all of the changes going on in my humble home I wanted to break it down and do a home tour series. When we bought our home in 2010 it was move in ready, but, very builder basic and lacked warmth and love. Our home is my favorite place in the world, it is where I feel in my 'element', and where I can enjoy life with my boys.

Our home is mostly thrifted, diy'd and hand-me downs. I am completely ok with pizza night on the couch and toys scattered onto the floor. I want my family {and friends} to feel comfortable and welcome in here. If something ever happened to me {God forbid} I want my boys {and the hubs} to still feel my warmth and love of me surrounding them in the walls of this house.

So, without further a do welcome to the our beautiful home!

We have a super small front porch so not a lot I can do with it but I'm slowly making it more lovely!

When you walk in to the hallway. We do not have a coat closet near the front door so this hook works lovely! I thrifted this giant picture for $10.00 and the leaves were bleck so I gave them new life with some red spray paint {my favorite accessory}. The "S" is from Etsy.

I got this great console table from my parents which was my great-Grandma's. I love that I have my Nanny in my house and am honored my parents gave it to me!
To the right of the entryway is our 'formal dinning room' dinning room but I never enjoyed the location being sooo far from the kitchen and having to walk through the family room and eat in just to get to it so we turned it into our library/office


Our living room is cozy, comfy, and relaxed. I love the flexibility of this room and how it is mix of thrifted and hand-me down pieces. My family spends many nights snuggled up on the sofa {and dad in his chair} eating popcorn {okay, ice cream and cookies too--dang diet isn't going too well!} watching cartoons and enjoying each others company.

I got most of the pictures from Kohl's and Bed, Bath and Beyond many years ago. The pillows are from Target and there mantel is DIY'd and thrifted. The rug is from Kohl's too!
I hope you are feeling welcomed into my home and look forward to sharing the rest of my house with you! Look soon for the rest of the down stairs to be toured!

October before and after

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Happy Birthday, to me!!

I can remember as a kid being so excited for my birthday, like the entire week before was my "birthday week" and I expected to be a princess {okay, I expected this all the time} for the whole week! I remember my Mom wrapping my presents and setting them all cuties on the "pink" couch and I would shake them daily!

Well, as I have become a mother the personal excitement has subsided but my kids are beyond giddy for Mommy's birthday. I love seeing the excitement and planning my kids take in my birthday, to me this is the best and most exciting part of my birthday. I love seeing them draw me gifts, "wrap" their own toys as presents for mom, I just truly enjoy their heart for giving. These gifts are worth more to me than any amount of money can buy. This year, my hubs is waking up early and making me breakfast and the kids are bringing it to me in bed! Yay, I get to sleep in and not cook! Hip Hip Horray:D

I am looking forward to celebrating my life with them and my 21st birthday, again! I am beyond grateful to get to spend another year with the loves of my life and enjoy being their mom and wife!

So, Happy Birthday to me!

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

when it rains it pours

So, this past week has been a true test of faith, I tell ya!

Poor Gabriel was so sick this past weekend running a high fever and tonsils as red as blood and the size of golf balls! I went to friends via social media asking for healing prayers for my sweet boy and the knowledge of the doctors to correctly diagnose him Monday.

Then, Monday as I was getting Caleb ready for school he lays over the toilet crying in pain {breaks a Momma's heart to see her boy in pain} so, I thought maybe it's the stomach bug {hubs has it a few weeks ago} but I called the doc just to check if they wanted to see him, sure enough they wanted too.

I had to work so Jake took them to the doctor and they both tested positive for strep throat...then the hubs tested positive! Oh, my lanta! 3 strep boys called for soup {while we are having record breaking heat wave} and popsicles!

This morning the hubs and I decided Zachary and I needed to get tested too since the odds were against us. Sure enough, Zachary was a quick positive for it. Man, stay away from us and our germ infested home for a few days! As we were leaving the office {going down the flight of stairs} I tripped carrying my boy and did some major damage to the ankle!

Tomorrow afternoon I go into the doctors to find out exactly what kind of damage is done {they have determined it isn't broken--PRAISE THE LORD ALMIGHTY!}

I come asking for prayers of healing and speedy recoveries for my entire family!

On the positive side I am getting caught up {and ahead} on my school work which is always a positive!!

Monday, September 2, 2013

the hubs blog! {it is just too funny not to read}

The hubs couldn't sleep{:/} so during his sleepless night he created a blog {how cute!} and it turns out it is HILARIOUS!! A MUST READ!!!

Go check it out now! Share with your friends and your friends, friends!!!

a portion of his post!

be still my heart.

at times I wish I could just freeze time. It feels like it is going in super speed and I fear I am going to miss something in Zachary's childhood.

like how he butterfly kisses or grasps my hand, or says "Scooby, Scooby where are youuuuuuuu?" or "me come please" or snuggles up in bed with me every night. I feel like when he was a baby all I wanted was for him to learn to crawl, say "mama", sit up, walk, hold his bottle and now that he is in full toddlerhood all I want is for him to stay little!

My heart is completely filled with love for him and when I look at him I just fall in love all over again! I would give up anything to make Zachary's life better or keep him safe and I never knew that kind of selflessness before him.. I love how God gives us children so we can see how he loves us.

the first time I held my little baby

 be still my heart. embraces the love. enjoy each stage of life.

Commanding Joy

commanding JOY
{Recently copied from my old blog} So, yesterday Zachary and I spent 2 hours in line trying to get the ole' car re-tagged. We got to the DMV and they looked for a good half hour trying to find our personal property tax records and came up that we were not even in the system. So, then, we drove to the County Administrative Office were we waited in line for another 45 minutes. When we got up there I explained the situation and was informed I never confirmed our moving to the county 2 years ago! Opps! So, getting that all straightened out {45 minutes and 800 dollars later} we drive back to the DMV and wait another 30 minutes then it is OUR turn! 15 minutes later we are walking out with our plates re-tagged for 2 years! Hallelujah!

One can look at this 2 ways: Way 1: 2 hours in line with a 2 year old dealing with rude receptionists and impatient, ignorant people in front and behind you. Being fined $150 for late taxes when you weren't even in the system.{ugh}And, the cherry on top of the cake $800 dollars outta your checkbook, forever. OR Way 2: 2 hours getting to spend holding hands with your child while people complement him for being so GOOD and CUTE! {as if I didn't already know these things;)} $800 is a lot of money but at least I had it and I have transportation to be taxed on.

God doesn't give us the chose if you want to be a Debbie downer and always look at the negative, that is fine as long as you tithe and do your church thing; NO, he commands us to chose JOY and rejoice in him in every situation! Philippians 4:4 "Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again; Rejoice!"

God longs for us to have joy and have it in it's full measure; John 15:11 "...MY joy may be in you and that your joy may be complete" Joy is part of who God is, we are to be like Him and bare his fruits.  John 17:13 "I am coming to you now, but I say these things while I am still in the world, so that they may have the full measure of my joy with them" Jesus let his disciples see him praying and having fellowship with His Father so that we could see the full extent of his contentment and joy.

Joy is a conscious decision to look at the situation and see the good even when the bad is shining through; hence my car situation yesterday. It is having a grateful outlook and positive perspective.

 Happiness and Joy can often be confused as one thing but are completely different. Happiness comes through positive circumstances {new job, raise, finding money in your coat pocket, having a baby} and, joy is the chose to see the positive {flat tire but thank God we have a spare}. God does want us to experience happiness, which, is why I think he gives us these happy situations. We are his children and he wants nothing more than us to experience he full blessings upon our lives. And, with these blessings comes happiness!

1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 "Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstance; for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus." <---my favorite!

So, with this I am Cindy Simmons and I am choosing joy.

Pastor Mike {our amazing pastor} gave a sermon Sunday about how God commands us to be joyful and I found it super awesome so this is my reflections on it!

Gabe's preschool graduation

My 'baby Gabey' graduated preschool recently and I have to tell you it was a bitter sweet moment for this mommy.  On one aspect I was EXTREMELY happy and proud of him for working sooo hard and doing his best! And, I feel completely confident that he is ready to rock kindergarten and beyond:)

But, on the other hand I am completely saddened that my baby is now officially a school aged child! Although, I don't remember bringing him home from the hospital or the sleepless nights,  I do remember his first few words, teaching him "look up, look up to Jesus"as he took a bath, staying up and rocking him while he had Swine flu, his first haircut, him calling me Mom--my {all time favorite}memory! I truly belive family isn't blood it is LOVE!!! And, we have plenty of that!!

Gabe was my first expirence at having a baby and let me tell you I am glad he is tough because learning how to be a mom was HARD! I am sure I failed many timess but I am positive he doesn't mind! I love him and all his tall tales he has to tell!

Just a few of my favorite things about Gabriel would be:
--his stories
--his ability to make ANYTHING into a song
--his desire for knowledge {he is always asking "why" and although it can be very is making him SOOO smart!}
--his amazing sense of humor!
goodness this list could go on and on and on!!!!!

And, on to kindergarten we go! We are SOOO very proud of you Gabriel!

at the ball game

Take me out to the ball game, buy me some peanuts and cracker jacks!"

This past week we took Zach to the ball game and rode the STL Metro {first experience on the Metro and that is a whole 'nother post!}. We had such a blast; hanging out, eating cotton candy and 'dogs', and taking pictures!

Zachary was adorable as he clapped along at the game, screamed 'go ballgame go', hollered for the Cotton Candy man every time he passed us {no, he only got one jumbo small bag of cotton candy}.


Zachary is at such a wonderful stage, I remeber when Gabe was this age and I loved it then too! {probably my favorite so far!} They are old enough to do fun things with but still young enough to be your itty bitty baby and snuggle up with at night!

We left before the game finished and they were losing BUT the Cards came back to win 5-2! Yay! {We must of been bad juju}


momma's chicken surprise

Is there a meal that just reminds you of being a kid,sitting at the dinner table {or t.v. tray on the sofa} with your parents. It transports you to the biggest worry you had was which toy to play with after dinner, if you could stay up 5 minutes later, or if you could go to DQ for dessert! Well, Momma's Chicken Surprise does that to me!

Momma's Chicken Surprise

 {this meal is VERY flexible...3 chicken breast and potatoes feeds my family but you can add or take away to fit your needs...and mushrooms are delicious in this too!}
2-3 chicken breast cut into bit sizes
2-3 potatoes
1 bag of frozen broccoli {you could do fresh if preferred}
 garlic salt and pepper {or whatever your choice seasonings is}
non-stick cooking spray

Spray skillet with LOTS of non-stick cooking spray {this takes way the butter aspect}
Place cubed chicken in  hot skillet season desired amount

Cook on medium heat and cook until almost all pink is gone
Add diced potatoes and season and spray again
Cook until almost tender
Add broccoli and simmer away juices

And, enjoy!

my man {a little bit of braggin on him}

With Father's Day approaching {very rapidly} I figured there is no better time then to brag on my main squeeze, my hubs!


Jake doesn't like to brag on himself a lot so I am going to for him! He loves God with all he is! He made the tough choice to become a truly devoted follower when he was 16 {he made the choice to leave his family, a life of sin and regret to follow our forever Father}for a teenage that would be tough. He grew up a very rough life but out of all the crap went through he holds those he loves the closest and gives them his EVERYTHING. Jake is an outstanding father and I am honored God is having me share life with him and our children. I love the way he looks at our kids and tells them stories until he is blue in the face. With his health obstacles he may not be able to do 'normal' stuff with them but what he does do is more perfect. They will forever remember these precious moments with their daddy.
He is EXTEMELY intelligent and even tested on the 'genius level at school last year. He learns quickly and succeeds easily and I am so proud of him {considering he didn't even study for his GED and only went to school off and on 'til his Freshman year that is pretty great!}Hubs is such a hard worker {sometimes too hard workin'} and it makes me giddy to think he does that just for us. He is selfless beyond belief. I genuinely think that if he saw someone that needed his shoes, he'd give them to him, his shirt in a heart-beat. He cares. He loves Jesus. He loves me!

Jake is a self published author and is diligently working on his second book with a third in mind. Outcast is a magnificent novel that reaches many reading tastes. {romance, sy-fi, action packed}
"...death is the ultimate soldier, the equalizer of nations. Death is the fate that keeps things swaying, never in the same direction but always in equal motion." Kale had never thought himself a hero, nor had he ever considered himself brave, but when faced with the decision between giving up his own life or the lives of those that he cared for he discovered just what type of man he really was. His decision set him on a path through the darkest parts of his world and the deepest mysteries within himself to find redemption. Set in the mythical world of Telekkar, Outcast: A Sand Runner's Fate is a story about Kale, a young messenger who finds himself thrown into the path of two warring nations. Outcast: A Sand Runner's Fate explores the inner struggle of a hero and how one decision can shape the fate of an entire world."

laundry room update {for now}

Happy Friday! I hope everyone had a fantastic Father's Day weekend, I know we sure did!  I am sharing with you today my FREE, yep you heard that right, free laundry room update! {sorry for the blogging vacation...I have had several post ready but no pictures and kept getting sidetracked while working on them!}

With this room being extremely tiny and having no natural light I knew I wanted it to be a light color along with accents of turquois, red, natural, and green that I've been adding to my spaces slowly...and since the budget didn't call for a big, fancy makeover I went to my paint selection on hand! I noticed the only color I'd have enough to finish the space was white {I was a little hesitant to use white but I went for it}

I know it isn't perfect but I love that I repurposed or created everything in the space!

The small space feels much brighter, bigger, and more inviting {if a laundry room can be inviting!} Whatcha think?

The sunburst are my new favorite thing! I love the natural and turquois in them and it give a little punch off the wall!

 The key holder is perfect since the laundry room is right next to the garage {won't find me searching for my keys as we are running out of the house, okay, maybe sometimes you will}